Featured Publications in 2018
Oust the louse: leaping behaviour removes lice from wild juvenile sockeye salmon
Atkinson, E.M., A.W. Bateman, L.M. Dill, M. Krkošek, J.D. Reynolds and S.C. Godwin. 2018. Oust the louse: leaping behaviour removes lice from wild juvenile sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka. Journal of Fish Biology. doi: abs/10.1111/jfb.13684.
An asymmetric producer-scrounger game: body size and social foraging behavior of coho salmon
Phillips, J.A*, SJ Peacock*, AW Bateman, M Bartlett, MA Lewis and M Krkošek. An asymmetric producer-scrounger game: body size and social foraging behavior of coho salmon. Theoretical Ecology. doi: 10.1007/s12080-018-0375-2 *Joint first authors.
Infanticide in a mammal-eating killer whale population
Towers J., M.J. Halle, K. Symonds, G. Sutton, A. Morton, P. Spong, J.P. Borrowman, and J.K.B. Ford. 2018. Infanticide in a mammal-eating killer whale population. Scientific Reports 8, Article # 4366.
Complete List of Publications – 2018
Oust the louse: leaping behaviour removes lice from wild juvenile sockeye salmon
Atkinson, E.M., A.W. Bateman, L.M. Dill, M. Krkošek, J.D. Reynolds and S.C. Godwin. 2018. Oust the louse: leaping behaviour removes lice from wild juvenile sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka. Journal of Fish Biology. doi: abs/10.1111/jfb.13684.
Heavy sea louse infection is associated with decreased foraging success in wild juvenile sockeye salmon
Godwin S., Krkosek M., Reynolds R., Rogers, L. & Dill L. 2018. Heavy sea louse infection is associated with decreased foraging success in wild juvenile sockeye salmon. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 75, 1587-1595.
An asymmetric producer-scrounger game: body size and social foraging behavior of coho salmon
Phillips, J.A*, SJ Peacock*, AW Bateman, M Bartlett, MA Lewis and M Krkošek. An asymmetric producer-scrounger game: body size and social foraging behavior of coho salmon. Theoretical Ecology. doi: 10.1007/s12080-018-0375-2 *Joint first authors.
Infanticide in a mammal-eating killer whale population
Towers J., M.J. Halle, K. Symonds, G. Sutton, A. Morton, P. Spong, J.P. Borrowman, and J.K.B. Ford. 2018. Infanticide in a mammal-eating killer whale population. Scientific Reports 8, Article # 4366.