Salmon Coast research covers a wide range of topics. The core of our research is focused on conserving and protecting the ecological integrity of the Broughton Archipelago.

Salmon Coast Society research includes both our in-house projects and work conducted by external students and researchers who utilize the infrastructure of our field station.

As part of local and academic communities, we understand the importance of interdisciplinary knowledge and communication as essential to creating innovative research. As Salmon Coast scholars develop their own projects, we connect researchers with local knowledge holders and resources. Although wild salmon have long been our focus, we increasingly support a broad range of topics including kelp distribution and health, environmental DNA work and salmon disease studies, marine mammal monitoring, spot prawn population biology, and ecological quantitative modelling.

Salmon Coast helps gather essential scientific building blocks to inform management of coastal ecosystems. Researchers are encouraged to bring relevant results to the attention of policy-makers and to make research publicly available.

While remaining an independent research facility, we have developed many partnerships which allows us to host researchers from all over the world. Our work would not be possible without their support.

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